Rennes Naval store (F10). Berlin (Ops 120)

Accession Number F02606
Collection type Film
Measurement 10 min
Object type To be confirmed
Physical description 35mm/b&w/silent
Maker Haydon
RAF Film Unit
Place made France, Germany: Berlin
Date made 8 August 1943
Access Open
Conflict Second World War, 1939-1945

Item copyright: Copyright expired - public domain

Public Domain Mark This item is in the Public Domain


RAF Fighter Command Operational Film No. F10 of the daylight raid on the German U-Boat stores at Rennes, France on 8 August 1943 by RAF Douglas Bostons of the 2nd Tactical Airforce (TAF). Bostons taking off from airfield. Low level flight over the countryside and English Channel. Low level approach to the French coast and then a climb to 1,500 ft. Scenes of the attack. Close up shot of a Boston's damaged wing. Bomber Command Operational Film No. 120 night raid on Berlin. RAF Film Unit aircraft from No. 15 Sqn RAF piloted by Squadron Leader Megginson and cameraman Flight Officer Haydon.

Film order form
  • Video of Rennes Naval store (F10). Berlin (Ops 120) (video)