Combat counter-intelligence

Accession Number F01400
Collection type Film
Measurement 19 min 39 sec
Object type Training and Technical films
Physical description 35mm/b&w/sound
Maker United States Army Signal Corps
Place made United States of America
Date made 1942
Access Open
Conflict Second World War, 1939-1945

Item copyright: Copyright expired - public domain

Public Domain Mark This item is in the Public Domain


Official War Department training film No 11.321 produced by the United States Signal Corps in collaboration with the General Staff through the co-operation of the Research Council Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. Illustrates the need not to give away any unconscious information to the enemy. Examples given are bringing cameras with previously exposed film to the front, diaries and mementoes which could have unit markings. Shows the rules of camouflage discipline to avoid detection by enemy aircraft. Ends with a sequence of ghosts of the 1914-1918 war in which they explain how loose talk got them killed. The ghosts stress not to hesitate to report any violation of secruity discipline.

Film order form
  • Video of Combat counter-intelligence (video)