2nd Mergui Camp, Burma

Place Asia: Burma, Mergui
Accession Number ART28535.009
Collection type Art
Measurement Overall: 15.2 x 22.7 cm (image); 17.7 x 25.3 cm (sheet)
Object type Work on paper
Physical description pencil on paper
Maker Korsch, John Donald
Place made Burma: Mergui
Date made 1942
Conflict Second World War, 1939-1945

Item copyright: AWM Licensed copyright


Living quarters of the 2nd Mergui Prisoner of War Camp, one of the best prisoner of war camp in the Far East. The construction is of wood pole frames, with bamboo matting coverings and an attap (palm frond) roof. The two storey building had a large passageway down the centre, electric lights connected and was partly furnished with stools and tables.

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