Roberts and Kitchener for Cronje's Camp near Paardeberg in the evening before the capitulation, 27 February 1900

Accession Number ART19714
Collection type Art
Measurement Overall: 38.9 cm x 50.7 cm; Sheet: 38 x 50.4 cm
Object type Print
Physical description chromolithograph with varnish on paper
Maker Unknown
Place made Germany
Date made 1900
Conflict South Africa, 1899-1902 (Boer War)
Period 1900-1909

Item copyright: Copyright unknown


Depicts Field Marshal Lord Roberts and Lieutenant General Lord Kitchener with their staff near Paaderberg Drift where the Boer General Piet Cronje was trapped during the South African War. The British cut off the Boers and their families in the river bed, where the Boers were finally forced to surrender. The Australians fought in this area after the fall of Kimberley.