Two couples relaxing at table

Place Oceania: Australia
Accession Number ART29020
Collection type Art
Measurement framed: 25.2 x 34.2 cm [irreg.]; unframed: 17.8 x 27 cm
Object type Painting
Physical description oil on hardboard
Location Main Bld: World War 2 Gallery: Gallery 2: Aus & Amer
Maker Unknown
Place made Australia
Date made 1945
Conflict Second World War, 1939-1945

Item copyright: External copyright


Two American naval recruits relax in a bar with two Australian women. It is probably set in Brisbane, where the US Navy had a large naval base during the Second World War. The US forces had "PX" clubs, offering merchandise, food, drinks and cigarettes at low prices, where Australian servicemen were prohibited. It is likely this work was painted by an American Modernist artist based in Australia during the war.