The boiler room - HMAS "Sydney"

Place Approximate locations: At sea
Accession Number ART30036
Collection type Art
Measurement image: 40.6 x 33.2 cm
Object type Work on paper
Physical description charcoal heightened with white on paper
Maker Norton, Frank
Place made At sea
Date made 1941
Conflict Second World War, 1939-1945

Item copyright: Copyright expired - public domain

Public Domain Mark This item is in the Public Domain


One of the most vital spots in a modern cruiser HMAS "Sydney" is the boiler room, for in the super heated boilers lies the secret of the ship's enormous power and subsequent speed. This drawing looking across the for'ard boiler room shows only one of its sets of boilers. The attendant stoker is scraping carbon away from the inside walls of the furnace, using a long slice . His eyes are protected from the terrific glare by special glasses. Unlike the old days of coal fires and cinders, these boiler room are spotlessly clean. Heated oil fuel whirled through sprayers under terrific air pressure is responsible for the high steam pressure achieved. A battery of gauges require constant watching. Entrance to the boiler rooms is made through air locks owing to the pressure of air "down below". Each boiler room feeds a separate engine room making two complete and separate driving units.