HMAS Warramunga, destroyer screen to USS Bataan

Place Approximate locations: At sea, Nearest landform, At sea (off Korean coast)
Accession Number ART40029
Collection type Art
Measurement sheet: 30.8 x 42.5; image: 30.3 x 40.6 cm
Object type Work on paper
Physical description watercolour, pen and black ink, carbon pencil on paper
Maker Norton, Frank
Place made Korea
Date made 16 July 1952
Conflict Korea, 1950-1953

Item copyright: Copyright expired - public domain

Public Domain Mark This item is in the Public Domain


Official war artist Frank Norton drew this scene during his first Korean patrol with HMAS Warramunga. He wrote to the Director of the Memorial ' the second part of the patrol was on destroyer screen of USS "Bataan" - we arrived at Sasebo on 11th July and sailed with the carrier next morning. I joined "Bataan" and spent a few days making drawings re the carrier and the destroyers - transferred back to "Warramunga" at sea by helicopter which I found quite a novel experience...'

Norton has depicted the American aircraft carrier USS 'Bataan' seen from the deck of the Royal Australian Navy destroyer HMAS 'Warramunga'. From the 11th July 1952 the Australian ship was acting as part of the destroyer screen for the aircraft carrier. Aircraft are taking off from 'Bataan' (USS 'Bataan' is an aircraft carrier, not to be confused with the Australian destroyer HMAS 'Bataan').

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