Autographed good luck flag carried by a Japanese soldier at Balikpapan, 1945

Place Asia: Borneo, Balikpapan
Accession Number REL/09942
Collection type Heraldry
Object type Flag
Physical description Printed cotton
Maker Unknown
Place made Japan
Date made c 1941-1945
Conflict Second World War, 1939-1945

Japanese soldier's autographed national flag with numerous signatures and slogans in black ink characters, as well as the drawing of a face, outline of a footprint and a full sized handprint. The recipient soldier's name is not given, but all the signatures are by his friends. The slogans include 'Leave your victorious footprint' beside the outline of the foot; 'Hope you fight well' beside the drawing of the face; 'Go brave soldiers' beside the handprint; 'All the world under one roof' [i.e. Japan's roof], 'Congratulations on your enlistment', 'Unselfish service', 'Go! A soldier of Construction', 'Construction of Asia', 'Divine wind [kamikaze]' and 'Fall with dignity'. There are also characters for the Japanese year 2600 and a short poem 'Be a foundation stone for East Asia at the break of dawn'. The hoist ends of the flag are reinforced with paper corners.

History / Summary

Captured at Balikpapan in 1945 by the G Spencer, who was serving with the RAAF.