Signature seal : Colonel Suga, Japanese Imperial Army

Accession Number RELAWM31811
Collection type Heraldry
Object type Heraldry
Physical description Glass; Wax; Felt; Tortoiseshell
Location Main Bld: World War 2 Gallery: Gallery 4: Victory Over Japan
Maker Unknown
Place made Japan
Date made c 1939-1941
Conflict Second World War, 1939-1945

Colonel Suga's personal glass signature seal, contained in a brown tortoiseshell box with a sliding lid. The seal is contained in two thirds of the length of the box and is buffered from the red sealing wax at the other end by a thick piece of felt.

History / Summary

Collected by VFX64873 Private Maisie Harper, of the Australian Army Medical Womens Service, while she was attached to 2/6 Australian General Hospital at Labuan, Borneo. She enlisted in March 1943 and was discharged in March 1946. Colonel Suga Tatsuji was the commandant of prisoner of war and internee camps in Borneo. He was apprehended as a war criminal and taken to a surrender camp at Labuan Island and tried for war crimes against Allied prisoners of war, especially in relation to the atrocities at Sandakan and Rimau. Before he could be executed, Colonel Suga tried committed suicide early in the morning of 16 September 1945 by stabbing his throat with a table knife which proved to be too blunt. His batman, Kwanaka Yoshiro, then aided his master's suicide by helping him use a sand filled water bottle to fracture his skull.