Autographed good luck flag carried by Japanese soldier Itahara Juni at Finschafen, 1943

Place Oceania: New Guinea1, Huon Peninsula, Finschhafen, Finschhafen area
Accession Number RELAWM20283
Collection type Heraldry
Object type Flag
Physical description Printed rayon
Maker Unknown
Place made Japan
Date made 1939-1943
Conflict Second World War, 1939-1945

Japanese soldier's autographed national flag with slogans and signatures written in black ink characters. The flag was presented to Itahara Juni by a teacher (name cannot be deciphered). The signatures are possibly those of primary school students as the writing is unformed and childish. The slogans written on the flag are 'Serve your country from the bottom of your heart' and 'Concentrate your mind'. The flag bears the seal of the Shinto Susa shrine.

History / Summary

Taken from the pack lying near the body of a dead Japanese bugler at Finschhafen, on 22 September 1943. Flags like this were often presented to a soldier at a farewell dinner prior to their departure on active service.