Woven horse tail : Trooper H H Moule, 3 Light Horse Regiment, AIF

Place Middle East: Ottoman Empire, Palestine
Accession Number RELAWM16069
Collection type Heraldry
Object type Heraldry
Physical description Horse hair
Maker Moule, Harold Horwood
Place made Ottoman Empire: Palestine
Date made 1917
Conflict First World War, 1914-1918

Arrangement of woven horse hair. On 23 February 1917, members of the 3rd Australian Light Horse Regiment, on the march, were attacked and bombed by German aeroplanes and Trooper H.H. Moule's horse was killed by concussion. The trooper collected and treasured this portion of his horse's tail as a memento of a gallant comrade.

History / Summary

'This piece of hair was cut of [Sic] my horse's tail by a flying piece of bomb, the only mark except a cut (slight) on her leg which would not kill her. Her death was caused by concussion. Take care of this for me, as a relic. It happened on 23 (2 or 4) 17 on the march, by bombs dropped from a german aeroplane.'