Wing Commander Clive Davis, RAF and RAAF, Second World War, interviewed by Lena Volkova.

Accession Number S04758
Collection type Sound
Measurement 3 hr 24 min
Object type Oral history
Physical description compact disc-recordable (CD-R); wave; 48kHz; 16 bit
Maker Davis, Clive Selwyn
Volkova, Lena (Elena)
Date made c February - April 2008
Access Open
Conflict Second World War, 1939-1945
Copyright Item copyright: © Australian War Memorial
Creative Commons License This item is licensed under CC BY-NC
Copying Provisions Copyright restrictions apply. Only personal, non-commercial, research and study use permitted. Permission of copyright holder required for any commercial use and/or reproduction.
Source credit to AWM Oral History Program

The topics covered in the series of interviews are mainly the views and experience of Clive Davis as a scientist and pilot of a Wellington bomber and later of a Liberator during WW2.
Clive Davis took his first flying lesson when a University student. He joined the RAAF before the war after completing two degrees. He was in England at the outbreak of the war and transferred to the RAF. As a scientist and pilot he was involved in developing and deploying radar. He worked for the air Ministry in a new special unit which monitored and oversaw developments deployed in fighter and bomber commands. He was a pilot of a Wellington 2 bomber and speaks of his former crew, and other people he trained with. He fought in Europe and north Africa as a squadron leader of 38th Squadron and relates his experiences of night flights in the Nile Delta, war in Greece, and dropping the first 4000 pound bomb from the air base in Malta on a torpedo factory near Milan. He also discusses his feelings and perceptions of friends, crew members, the war in general and of local populations in Northern Africa.
At the end of the war he returned to RAAF as second in charge of a new unit to develop radio counter measures; he discusses specially equipped Liberator which was used to jam Japanese radar. He also talks of his marriage in Australia. Place names referenced : Shallufa (Egypt); Marham (Norfolk, UK); Milne Bay and Madang (New Guinea); Tocumwal, Laverton, Darwin.
A transcript of this recording may be available. For further information please contact the Sound section.

  • Listen to Wing Commander Clive Davis, RAF and RAAF, Second World War, interviewed by Lena Volkova.
  • Listen to Part 2 of Wing Commander Clive Davis, RAF and RAAF, Second World War, interviewed by Lena Volkova.