Deceased Soldier's Kit tag : Private C J Brill, 56 Battalion AIF

Place Europe: France, Picardie, Somme
Accession Number RELAWM14076.007
Collection type Heraldry
Object type Heraldry
Physical description Cardboard, Metal, String
Maker Unknown
Date made c 1917
Conflict First World War, 1914-1918

Rectangular white cardboard tag with a vertical red stripe through the centre. At the top is printed 'Australian Imperial Force, Kit Store.'. Beneath this is 'DECEASED SOLDIER'S KIT.'. Underneath is printed 'Name', 'Rank' and 'Unit', with space allowed to write the soldier's details. This tag has been filled in as follows: 'Name 3009 Brill / Rank Pte C.J. / Unit 56th Bn' , with '9360' written underneath. The corners have been diagonally cut at one end and a hole has been punched, through which is threaded a knotted piece of string. The hole is reinforced with a piece of card that is impressed 'DENNISON/ CR & W Ltd'. A piece of metal has been crimped over one of the knots.

History / Summary

This tag was attached to the package of personal effects sent home to the family of 3009 Private Clarence James 'Jim' Brill after he was killed in 1917. Brill was born at Mooroopna, Victoria, the son of Joseph and Kitty Brill. He was almost 28 years old and living at Craigie, NSW when he enlisted in the AIF on 13 July 1915, and was then working as a sawyer in a local saw mill.

Known as 'Snow' to his mates in the AIF, he embarked at Sydney with the 10th reinforcements to 4 Battalion in HMAT Warilda, on 8 October 1915. He joined his battalion at Tel el Kebir in Egypt in January 1916. In February Brill was transferred to the newly formed 56th Battalion. On 19 June he embarked for France in HT Huntsend, arriving at Marseilles ten days later. He remained with his battalion on the Western Front and was with the battalion every time it went into the front line.

On 14 March 1917 the unit was in the lines at the Somme. Brill was doing engineers' work just behind the front line with his friend 3114 Private John Richard 'Spinkie' Spinks and another man, when their location was hit by German artillery fire. A shell fell between the three men, killing Brill instantly and wounding Spinks and the other man. Shrapnel hit Spinks around the forehead and eyes, blinding him. He was unable to see what had happened to Brill, but shouted for him and tried to find him. Another soldier found Spinks wandering around in shock and Spinks asked him to look for Brill.

Spinks was eventually sent to 3 General Hospital in England. There he received a letter telling him that Brill had been killed by the shell that had blinded him. The only casualties for the battalion that day were due to this shell. Brill was buried at a small cemetery behind Needle Trench, near Lesboeufs, France. Chaplain Alexander Sydney Greville officiated and his friends from the battalion attended. In the 1920s his body was exhumed and reburied at the Guards Cemetery at Lesbouefs.

Brill's brother, Leslie William Brill also served in the AIF and was awarded the Military Medal for his work as a stretcher bearer and in dressing stations at Gallipoli in 1915.