Coffee mug : International Force East Timor

Place Asia: East Timor
Accession Number REL38632
Collection type Heraldry
Object type Heraldry
Physical description Ceramic
Maker Unknown
Date made c 1999-2000
Conflict East Timor, 1999-2013

White souvenir coffee mug. Front bears the word 'INTERFET' in black and a transfer of the Interfet patch underneath. The Interfet patch consists of the outline of a white dove with olive branch, interlaced with a green shape representing the country of East Timor (Timor Leste). Both are set against a blue oval background, with a ring of gold surrounding the inner blue oval and the words 'INTERNATIONAL FORCE EAST TIMOR / PEACE', written in black within the gold ring.

History / Summary

This mug was produced as a souvenir in recognition of INTERFET (International Force for East Timor) operations in East Timor during 1999 and 2000. Following East Timor's vote for independence from Indonesia in August 1999, an international force led by Australia, though operating in accordance with UN resolutions, was deployed. Their mission was to restore peace and security to the area after pro-Indonesian militias had conducted a campaign of violence, looting and arson throughout the territory.

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