Egypt Medal 1882-1889 : Private B Tucker, New South Wales Infantry

Place Africa: Sudan
Accession Number REL36037.001
Collection type Heraldry
Object type Medal
Physical description Silver
Maker Pinches, John
Wyon, Leonard Charles
Place made United Kingdom
Date made c 1886
Conflict Sudan, 1885

Egypt Medal 1882 -1889 with the bar 'SUAKIN 1885'. The recipient's number, rank, name and regiment are engraved on the edge. Obverse: The diademed and veiled head of Queen Victoria with the legend, 'VICTORIA REGINA ET IMPERATRIX'. Reverse: The Sphinx on a pedestal with the word 'EGYPT' above. The exergue is blank . The medal is fitted with a straight swivel suspender and a single rectangular campaign bar. A piece of 32 mm ribbon that has three bright blue and two white stripes of equal width is attached to the suspender.

History / Summary

Awarded to 283 Private Barff Tucker for his service with A Company, Infantry, of the New South Wales Contingent sent to the Sudan in 1885. Tucker was born in Bathurst in 1861 and had already served with the 3rd Regiment New South Wales Volunteer Infantry, which was based at Bathurst. On enlistment he stated that he was a carpenter, 23 years old and single. He was also an enthusiastic footballer and the members of his club presented him with a gold ring on his departure for The Sudan. Tucker was presented with his Egypt Medal at a parade for the Sudan veterans held in Sydney in February 1886. After his service he returned to live in Bathurst and later joined the Prisons Department, working at Bathurst Gaol. He died in 1951, aged 90.

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