"Capt Barrie Newman, Australian UN Milob (Military Observer), despatching carrier pigeon from ...

Accession Number P05689.029
Collection type Photograph
Object type Digital file
Maker Unknown
Place made Kashmir
Date made 30 April 1965

Item copyright: AWM Licensed copyright


"Capt Barrie Newman, Australian UN Milob (Military Observer), despatching carrier pigeon from balcony of old Rajah's Palace where UN Field Station was housed at Punch [Poonch] on the Indian side of the Cease Fire Line. The carrier pigeon "trial flight" was carrying a message destined for UN Headquarters at Rawalpindi in West Pakistan, as it was known in those days." This image is from the collection of Captain Barrie Newman, Australian Army, serving in the State of Jammu and Kashmir with the United Nations Military Observer Group India and Pakistan (UNMOGIP).

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