Plastic wreath, 'Anzac Day 2006' : Special Operations Task Group, Afghanistan

Place Asia: Afghanistan
Accession Number REL35544.001
Collection type Heraldry
Object type Heraldry
Physical description Paper, Plastic, Silk, Wire
Maker Unknown
Place made Afghanistan
Date made 2006
Conflict Afghanistan, 2001-2021

Wreath made from lengths of green plastic pine needles from a plastic Christmas tree, with four silk and plastic poppies attached to the base. A laminated paper label, featuring 'ANZAC Day 2006' with images of a poppy and a 'Lest we Forget' logo is wrapped around the centre of the wreath and wired to the outer edges. An attached label reads 'This wreath was made from a Christmas tree (1 of 9). It was placed on the SOTG Memorial ANZAC Day 25 Apr 2006 Afghanistan.'

History / Summary

Plastic wreath, made as part of the Special Operations Task Group (SOTG) Memorial Cenotaph for Anzac Day, 2006 in Afghanistan.