Four vinyl stickers : 2 Troop, A Squadron, 3 Cavalry Regiment

Place Asia: Vietnam
Accession Number REL35018
Collection type Heraldry
Object type Heraldry
Physical description Vinyl
Maker Ritrama
Place made Australia
Date made c 2000
Conflict Vietnam, 1962-1975

Four circular adhesive vinyl stickers, with square peel-off white paper backs. Each sticker has a black border and is divided diagonally into red and yellow halves. The sticker features the head of the cartoon character 'Snoopy', wearing a green flying helmet and red scarf. Above Snoopy's head are the words, 'VIET-NAM' and below is, '2 TP'.

History / Summary

Four circular stickers depicting the unnofficial shoulder patches adopted by 2 Troop, A Squadron, 3 Cavalry Regiment during its tour of South Vietnam in 1967-1968. The image is based on the Peanuts comic strip character, Snoopy, as his First World War fighter ace alter-ego. These stickers have been commercially produced for use by 3 Cav Association members.

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