Hardtack biscuit with message : Private S E Lever, 57 Battalion, AIF

Place Oceania: Australia, Victoria, Melbourne
Accession Number REL/00916
Collection type Heraldry
Object type Heraldry
Physical description Foodstuffs
Maker Swallow & Ariell
Place made Australia: Victoria, Melbourne
Date made c 1916
Conflict First World War, 1914-1918

Square army biscuit pricked in a grid pattern. The words 'SWALLOW & ARIELL/ARMY/WHOLEMEAL/MELBOURNE' are stamped across the front. Over the top of this is written in black marking 'FROM PTE S. LEVER 19-7-16'.

History / Summary

This biscuit was sent to Mrs Mary-Ann Harris by her nephew, 2679 Private Stanley Edmond Lever the day after he enlisted. Lever was born and grew up in North Carlton, Victoria, attending Melbourne High School. On 18 July 1916 he enlisted in the AIF, having completed compulsory military training in earlier years with 60 (Princes's Hill) Infantry. Private Lever served on the Western Front with 57 Battalion, AIF and was killed in action, aged 23, on 24 September 1917. He is buried at Tyne Cot Cemetery, Passchendaele.