"Set the table...pull the trigger" No.5-1

Accession Number ART92809
Collection type Art
Measurement sheet: 73.6 x 95.4 cm; image: 73.6 x 95.4 cm
Object type Print
Physical description monoprint with photoetching, softground and stencilling on paper
Maker Dobrilla, Elizabeth
Place made Australia: Victoria, Melbourne
Date made 1998
Conflict Period 1990-1999

Item copyright: External copyright


Depicts images of Bosnian soldiers pouring water filled helmets over their heads, pictures derived from the Yugoslavian newspaper 'Novosti' between 1997 and 1999, overlaid with stencils of the artist's Serbian grandmother's doilies. Her work comments on the powerful role played by the print media in communicating the events that contributed to the public's perception of the conflict in the former Yugoslavia, while also exploring the social and cultural consequences of the conflict.