RAMSI T-shirt : Advisor Steven Collins, Participating Police Force, RAMSI

Place Oceania: Pacific Islands, Solomon Islands
Accession Number REL33767
Collection type Heraldry
Object type Heraldry
Physical description Cotton
Date made c 2003-2005
Conflict Solomon Islands (RAMSI), 2003-2013

Dark blue T-shirt with the Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands (RAMSI) emblem printed on the left breast and the words 'Taem fo guns hem finis nao' printed below. The emblem shows an outline of a dove and a map of the Solomon Islands over a blue and green background surrounded by a yellow circle and the words 'Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands HELPEM FREN'. The RAMSI emblem is also printed on the back of the T-shirt with the words 'RAMSI GUN HOTLINE 23155'. A maker's label has been sewn to the inside of the collar.

History / Summary

Worn by Steven Collins during his service with the Participating Police Force, part of the Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands (RAMSI). Collins served as superintendent with the first deployment of personnel to the Solomon Islands in July 2003, and also later in 2005 as an advisor. Led by the Australian Federal Police, the Participating Police Force commenced Operation Helpem Fren in the Solomon Islands in 24 July 2003. Their role was to restore basic law, order and security to the Islands, remove illegally held weapons from the community and disarm and neutralise key militants.