A bare chested NX38685 Lance Corporal Percival Henry Curvey, 2/1 Fortress Engineers of Randwick, ...

Accession Number P04801.001
Collection type Photograph
Object type Black & white - Print silver gelatin
Maker Fuller, Evan
Place made Timor
Date made April 1942
Conflict Second World War, 1939-1945

Item copyright: Copyright expired - public domain

Public Domain Mark This item is in the Public Domain


A bare chested NX38685 Lance Corporal Percival Henry Curvey, 2/1 Fortress Engineers of Randwick, NSW, kneels beside the memorial at the Oesapa Besar Prisoner Of War (POW) camp in Timor. The plaques read 'Sacred to the memory of those who fell in the defence of this island and rest here unidentified' 'They shall grow not old as we who are left grow old, old age shall not weary them'. This photograph was taken by NX48948 Sergeant Evan Fuller, 2/12 Field Ambulance of Dungog, NSW, who was held at Oesapa Besar Prisoner Of War Camp (POW) until 1946. Fuller hid the film (there was only one roll) in a cake of soap and his Leica camera was hidden in an Army issue water bottle. The metal bottle had been soldered into two halves, water could still be kept in the top compartment, with the camera in the bottom. The metal bottle was then slipped into a green Army issue cover, hiding any weld marks.

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