Afghan war rug ('classic red' war rug)

Accession Number ART92730
Collection type Art
Measurement Overall: 1850 H x 1040 W mm
Object type Textile
Physical description wool and cotton
Maker Unknown
Place made Afghanistan
Date made c 1990s
Conflict Afghanistan, 2001-2021
Copyright Item copyright: © Australian War Memorial
Creative Commons License This item is licensed under CC BY-NC

The 'classic red war rug' is a stylistically intricate rug, with a complex and dense design layout, using rich red, orange and green colours. The rug is dominated by images of Soviet weaponry, especially armoured personnel carriers and helicopters, depicted in neat rows within the centre field of the rug. There are also stylised medallions and flower forms woven into the rug, so that traditional botanical and geometric forms are interwoven with images of Soviet armaments. War rugs are now produced in regional areas of north-western Pakistan and Afghanistan and were originally created in response to the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan in 1979. They are a cultural and personal response to war, blending commercial, traditional and contemporary elements.