A 'bug out' is the soldiers' term for the practice occupations of the Kansas Line battle ...

Accession Number MELJ0590
Collection type Photograph
Object type Negative
Maker Meldrum, Donald Albert (Tim)
Place made Korea: 38th Parallel
Date made 22 January 1955
Conflict Korea, 1950-1953

Item copyright: Copyright expired - public domain

Public Domain Mark This item is in the Public Domain


A 'bug out' is the soldiers' term for the practice occupations of the Kansas Line battle positions carried out periodically by the 1st Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment in Korea. These exercises come without warning at any time of any night or day, and only when the troops are in position ready to fight, can they relax sufficiently to partake of a hot brew (drink). Having trouble getting frozen milk out of a can to add to the brew he is preparing for his mates in occupation of the line , is 12333 Corporal (Cpl) William Arthur 'Babe' Moore of Inglewood, Qld. During the Second World War, Cpl Moore had five years with the AIF and was a despatch rider with 2/10 Battalion in New Guinea. Before joining the army Cpl Moore was a cane cutter for CSR at Halifax, and played for South Western Districts League Club.

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