Japanese signed good luck flag : Corporal W H Fogg, 2/27 Battalion

Place Asia: Netherlands East Indies, Halmahera Island, Morotai Island
Accession Number REL33120
Collection type Heraldry
Object type Flag
Physical description Ink, Silk
Maker Unknown
Place made Japan
Date made c 1943
Conflict Second World War, 1939-1945

Japanese silk good luck national flag with multiple signatures in different hands, although the recipient's name is not given. There are a number of partiotic exhortations ('Loyalty'; 'We pray for victory in battle'; 'Japanese spirit'; 'Victory at all costs'; 'patience, honesty, perseverance'), and the name of the District head of the recipient's local village, who presented the flag. The flag is hemmed on all sides and includes a pair of gold foil reinforcing triangles sewn into the corners that suspend the flag.

History / Summary

Associated with the service of QX59313 Corporal Wilfred Harlan Fogg of Brisbane, who enlisted on 15 November 1943 at Warwick, Queensland and served with 2/27 Battalion. Fogg was discharged on 25 June 1946. It is understood that he souvenired the flag and other items (see REL33121, 33122 and 33123) during service on Morotai.