Don't do it George! it's valuable information

Place Oceania: Australia
Accession Number ARTV07970
Collection type Art
Measurement Sheet: 43 x 33.8 cm
Object type Poster
Physical description photolithograph
Maker Quinlan, Harold Godfrey
2/1 Australian Army Topographical Survey Company
Date made 1943
Conflict Second World War, 1939-1945

Item copyright: Copyright expired - public domain

Public Domain Mark This item is in the Public Domain


A National security propaganda poster featuring a humorous design by Australian cartoonist Hal Quinlan. Prior to enlisting in 1940 Quinlan was a commercial artist whose illustration and cartoons appeared in a variety of magazines and newspapers including the 'the Bulletin' and 'Smith's Weekly'.

This poster was included in the Global Arts Link exhibition 'Bluey & Curley: portraits from an era 1939-1955 curated in association with the AWM and Mornington Peninsula Regional Gallery in 2000.