Vietnamese dressing gown : Mrs B Lupton

Accession Number REL32704
Collection type Heraldry
Object type Heraldry
Physical description Acetate, Cotton, Rayon
Maker Unknown
Place made Vietnam: South Vietnam
Date made c 1965
Conflict Vietnam, 1962-1975

Sky blue brocade dressing gown with black satin facings and hem. The fabric, a blend of acetate and rayon, has a pattern of stylised trees, flowers and emblems. The black satin facings are on the tops of both pockets and the cuffs. There are four pairs of blue and black cotton 'frog' fasteners on the front of the gown, each decorated with yellow stars.

History / Summary

Associated with the service of 213548 Lance Corporal Thomas William John Lupton, born 28 March 1943. Lupton served in South Vietnam with C Company, 1 Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment from 5 June 1965 to 3 June 1966. Lupton purchased this locally produced dressing gown in Vietnam as a gift for his wife, Betty.