A banner erected by local village leaders to greet Australian troops upon their arrival in Baria. ...

Accession Number P04112.001
Collection type Photograph
Object type Transparency
Maker Mason, Ron
Place made Vietnam
Date made 20 August 1966
Conflict Vietnam, 1962-1975

Item copyright: AWM Licensed copyright


A banner erected by local village leaders to greet Australian troops upon their arrival in Baria. The banner reads: 'People of Phuoc Tuy province warmly greet the heroic victory of the Royal Australian Forces in destroying the 45th North VN Regiment on Aug 18 1966 war Long Tan.' The Battle of Long Tan was one of the most significant Australian battles of the Vietnam War, and occured when D Company of 6 Royal Australian Regiment (RAR) was attacked by a regiment of North Vietnamese and Vietcong troops whilst conducting sweep operations in a rubber plantation. Although outnumbered, the company held its position until relieved by A Company, who were carried in by armoured personnel carriers. The enemy fled, leaving 245 North Vietnamese and Vietcong dead on the battlefield. The Australians suffered 18 fatalities and 21 wounded.

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