Collected Episode 25: The tail gunner

The Australian tail gunners who served in World War Two had a particularly dangerous job. They spent hours in cramped, freezing conditions, perched in Perspex turrets at the rear of bomber planes, vulnerable to enemy fire and often exposed to the elements. In Episode 25 of Collected, Louise Maher is shown a gun turret that survived the war and hears the stories of men who lived to tell the tale of bombing raids over Europe.

Presented by: Louise Maher
Produced by: Louise Maher

Emily Gibbs, Assistant Curator, Military Heraldry and Technology 
Shane Casey, Senior Curator, Military Heraldry and Technology
Dr Lachlan Grant, Senior Historian, Military History Section

Original music: Andy Heaney, Vice Like Grip

Collection items:

Portrait of a tail gunner

Photo of a tail gunner

Photo of a damaged turret

Black cat lucky charm

Owner of the lucky charm

Messerschmitt tail fin

Extra content:
On Closer Inspection 

360 degree immersive experience.

Explore the Lancaster and take a closer look at it inside and out. See archival photos, watch videos, hear audio recordings, and uncover the stories behind one of the most famous bombers of all time.

Also available as a VR headset experience downloadable from the Steam store.

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